Herzog & de Meuron Basel Ltd.
Rheinschanze 6
4056 Basel, Switzerland
Email: info@herzogdemeuron.com
Phone: +41 61 385 5757
Paris, France
The two new buildings close off the perimeter of the block. The bend in the façade on Rue des Suisses guides one in. The various positions of the blinds enliven thee façade. The perforated folding blinds function like a curtain to provide privacy.
A long courtyard building extends behind the two new buildings. The courtyard façade of the narrow building facing Rue Jonquoy. Small concrete buildings adopt the scale of the former courtyard building. The courtyard becomes a garden; the façade has wires for climbing plants.
Two small concrete houses stand like pieces of furniture in the courtyard. Projecting extensions between the courtyard building and the partition wall. Plants grow on the back and short sides of the courtyard building. A garden in the middle of the city: courtyard with groups of trees.
Two small concrete hoses stand like pieces of furniture in the courtyard. Projecting extensions between the courtyard building and the partition wall. Plants grow on the back and short sides of the courtyard building. A garden in the middle of the city: courtyard with groups of trees.
Gerhard Mack, Herzog & de Meuron: “Herzog & de Meuron 1992-1996. The Complete Works. Volume 3.” Edited by: Gerhard Mack. Chinese ed. Beijing, China Architecture & Building Press, 2010. Vol. No. 3.
Luis Fernández-Galiano (Ed.): “Arquitectura Viva. Herzog & de Meuron 1978-2007.” 2nd rev. ed. Madrid, Arquitectura Viva, 2007.
Fernando Márquez Cecilia, Richard Levene (Eds.): “El Croquis. Herzog & de Meuron 1981-2000. Between the Face and the Landscape. The Cunning of Cosmetics. Entre el Rostro y el Paisaje. La Astucia de la Cosmética.” 2nd adv. and rev. ed. Vol. No. 60+84, Madrid, El Croquis, 2005.
Nobuyuki Yoshida (Ed.): “Architecture and Urbanism. Herzog & de Meuron 1978-2002.” Tokyo, A+U Publishing Co., Ltd., 02.2002.
“Herzog & de Meuron. Natural History.” Edited by: Philip Ursprung. Exh. Cat. “Herzog & de Meuron. Archaeology of the Mind.” Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal. 23 October 2002 – 6 April 2003. 2nd ed. Baden, Lars Müller, 2005.
“Herzog & de Meuron. Naturgeschichte.” Edited by: Philip Ursprung. Exh. Cat. “Herzog & de Meuron. Archaeology of the Mind.” Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal. 23 October 2002 – 6 April 2003. 2nd ed. Baden, Lars Müller, 2005.
“Herzog & de Meuron. Histoire Naturelle.” Edited by: Philip Ursprung. Exh. Cat. “Herzog & de Meuron. Archaeology of the Mind.” Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal. 23 October 2002 – 6 April 2003. Baden, Lars Müller, 2002.
Fernando Márquez Cecilia, Richard Levene (Eds.): “El Croquis. Herzog & de Meuron 1998-2002. La Naturaleza del Artificio. The Nature of Artifice.” Vol. No. 109/110, Madrid, El Croquis, 2002.
Paolo Giardiello: “Interventi Urbani a Monaco e Parigi. Fünf Höfe, Monaco. Apartments Building, Rue des Suisses, Parigi.”
In: Marco Casamonti (Ed.). “Area. Rivista di Architettura e Arti del Progetto.” Vol. No. 61, Milan, Federico Motta editore spa, 03.2002. pp. 24-47.
Philippe Duboy: “Herzog & de Meuron. L’Hétérotopie à Paris. Rue des Suisses, XIVe Arrondissement.” In: Jean-Michel Place (Ed.). “L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui.” Vol. No. 337, Paris, L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, 11.2001. pp. 112-117.
Herzog & de Meuron: “Gramática Urbana. Viviendas en la Rue des Suisses, Paris.” In: Luis Fernández-Galiano (Ed.). “Arquitectura Viva.” Cohabitación Europea. Vol. No. 81, Madrid, Arquitectura Viva SL, 11.2001. pp. 34-39.
Wilfried Wang: “Herzog & de Meuron.” 3rd adv. and rev. ed. Basel / Boston / Berlin, Birkhäuser, 1998. (= Studiopaperback).