Herzog & de Meuron

PHILADELPHIA, USA – The Board of Trustees of Calder Gardens has announced that Philadelphia’s new cultural destination, dedicated to the legacy of Alexander Calder, will open in September 2025. Juana Berrío — curator, educator, and arts programmer — has been appointed Senior Director of Programs. In this role, she will oversee the daily operations of the exhibition space and gardens, while curating an expansive array of programs aimed at engagement and enrichment.

“I am thrilled to join Calder Gardens, a unique space that integrates art, architecture, and nature to invite self-reflection. I look forward to working with the team to design rich cross-pollinations between artistic and nonartistic practices, with diverse communities, and between humans, flora, and fauna. Calder’s own passion for interdisciplinary collaborations and experimentation at large provides a perfect context for Calder Gardens to become one of the most innovative and forward-thinking spaces for art and culture today.” – Juana Berrío


Calder Gardens Press Release

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