Herzog & de Meuron










425 ROCHE PRED CENTER / 425_CP_240717_BE

425 ROCHE PRED CENTER / 425_CP_240717_BE



































































Jacques Herzog
Pierre de Meuron
Stefan Marbach (Partner in Charge: 2020 - 2024)
Michael Fischer (Partner in Charge: 2016 - 2020)
Project Team
Michael Fischer (Project Director: 2013 - 2015)
Christian Kaldewey (Project Manager: 2015 - 2020)
Paul Kath (Project Director: 2018 - 2024)
Iva Smrke (Project Manager: 2019 - 2023)
Markus von GrĂŒnigen (Project Manager: 2020 - 2024)
Roman Aebi
Farhad Ahmad
Kosha Ahmadi
Selma Alihodzic
Bruno de Almeida Martins
Rui Alves
Rebecca Andersen
Giulio Angelini
Edyta Augustynowicz
Philippe Ayer
Adrian Bachmann
Anna Banke
Fabian Bartel
Michal Baurycza
Mikolaj Bazaczek
Frédéric BeaupÚre
Florian Becker
Antoine Berchier
Vincent Bowman
Viktoria Bruhs
Alexander BĂŒrgi
Daniel Calvo
Sandro Camichel
Stefano Campisi
Iman Charara
David Colombini
Massimo Corradi
Sebastian Czichon
Yohanna Czichon
Morgan Delvaux
Nazli Deveci
Hajdin Dragusha
Michael Drobnik
Florentin Duelli
Nicholas Dunkel
Elif Erez
Johannes Ewerbeck
Christiane Felber
Antonio FernĂĄndez GuzmĂĄn
Jakob Fischer
Balàzs Földvàry
Florian Frank
Michel Frei
Carly Gertler
Carlotta Giorgetti
Jasmina Girod
Irene Giubbini
Stefan Goeddertz
Bryan Grossenbacher
Silvan Halm
Andrea Heller
Yuko Himeno
Julian Höll
Ludvig HoltenÀs
Ursin Huonder
Ronny Huse
Mirjam ImgrĂŒth
Shusuke Inoue
Helia Jamshidi
Nils Jarre
Ricardo Joss
Leweni Kalentzi
Vasileios Kalisperakis
Hamit Kaplan
Marina Karova
Yasmin Kherad
Paul Kim
Martin KnĂŒsel
Zuzanna Koltowska
Marcin Koltunski
Maria Krasteva
Isabel Labrador
Bartosz Lamperski
Karsten Langholz Kristensen
Sahng O Lee
Victor Lefebvre
Louise Lemoine
Mathilde Lesénécal
Sven Löfvenberg
Áron LƑrincz
Hadi Madwar
Ana Maestu
Francesca Mautone
Isabella Mori
Viola Mraz
Stella Mugellini
LĂ©onore Nemec
Irena Nowacka
Dominik NĂŒssen
Matthias Odazzi
TĂąnia Oliveira de Jesus
Antje Paetz
Sorav Partap
Pedro Peña Jurado
Romain PĂ©quin
Laura Petrache
Karin Pfeifer
Karolina Pikus
Pedro PolĂłnia
Niclas Preiss
Fabian Puttinger
Holger Rasch
Daniel Reinhardt
Bernard Resewski
Steffen Riegas
Ria Roberg
Alois Rosenfeld
Miguel Ruano Gullon
Andrea RĂŒegsegger
Raoul Ruoff
Keunyoung Ryu
Anna Salvioni
Marc Schmidt
Roland Schreiber
Martin Schulte
GĂŒnter Schwob
Mario Serratore
Alice Sikiaridis
Aleksandar Slavikovic
Laura Stargala
Marie Stargala
Kaspar Stöbe
Philip Stöckler
Hedda SĂžrensen
Raha Talebi
Yasuhiro Tohdoh
Kuba Tomaszczyk
Florian Tschacher
André Vergueiro
Andrea Viczian
Joana Vilaca
Rainer VonÀsch
Julian Vorraro
Benedict Wahlbrink
David Wasel
LĂ©onie Wenz
Esin Willis
Freya Winkelmann
Annabell Wolf
Yangzom Wujohktsang
Joanna Zabinska
Lina Zachrisson
Kai Zang
Sjoerd Zonderland


F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
Project Architect: Herzog & de Meuron Basel Ltd., Basel, Switzerland
General Planning: Drees & Sommer Schweiz GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Structural Engineering: wh-p Ingenieure AG, Basel, Switzerland
HVAC Engineering : Drees & Sommer Advanced Building Technologies GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Laboratory Planning: Laborplaner Tonelli AG, Gelterkinden, Switzerland
Electrical Engineering: Amstein + Walthert AG, MĂŒnchenstein, Switzerland
Electrical Engineering: Corenta AG, DĂŒbendorf, Switzerland
Electrical Engineering: Hefti. Hess. Martignoni. Zug AG, Zug, Switzerland
Electrical Engineering: Selmoni Ingenieure AG, Basel, Switzerland
Landscape Architect: Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten, ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
Construction Management: ARGE Sulzer Buzzi & Itten + BrechbĂŒhl AG, Basel, Switzerland
Construction Management: Pharmaplan AG, Basel, Switzerland
Specialist / Consulting
Audio-Visual Consulting: Zeller.media AG, Basel, Switzerland
Audio-Visual: Specialist Construction Management: Zeller.media AG, Basel, Switzerland
BIM Quallity Control Consulting: Si-Tec GmbH, Rheinfelden, Switzerland
BIM Support: desk21 s.r.o., Bratislava, Slovakia
BIM Support: Kaulquappe AG, ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
Building Acoustics Consulting: Drees & Sommer Schweiz GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Building Automation Engineering: Sigren Engineering AG, Winterthur, Switzerland
Building Logistics: Drees & Sommer Schweiz GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Building Logistics Supervision: AS Bauer GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Building Physics Consulting: Drees & Sommer Schweiz GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
CAD Support: SCD Architekten Ingenieure GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany
CFD Engineering: I.F.I. Institut fĂŒr Industrieaerodynamik GmbH, Aachen, Germany
Commissioning Manager: Inpro International AG, Zug, Switzerland
Communication Technologies Consulting: RGBP AG, Thalwil, Switzerland
Construction Schedule Management: Pharmaplan AG, Basel, Switzerland
Construction Site Safety Consulting: AS Bauer GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Cost Plan and Time Schedule: Drees & Sommer Schweiz GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Document Control and BIM Management: Drees & Sommer Schweiz GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Documentation Controlling: Senator Projektmanagementservice GmbH, Oberwil, Switzerland
Documentation Controlling: Chemgineering Switzerland AG, MĂŒnchenstein, Switzerland
Door Engineering: SBS Ingenieure, Bern, Switzerland
Doors: Specialist Construction Management: e-tool AG, MĂŒnsingen, Switzerland
Electrical & Building Automation: Specialist Construction Management: Corenta AG, DĂŒbendorf, Switzerland
Electrical Installations: Specialist Construction Management: BakerHicks AG, Basel, Switzerland
Facade Consulting: Drees & Sommer Schweiz GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Facades: Building 04/05: Specialist Construction Management: Fachwerk F+K Engineering AG, Muri, Switzerland
Facades: Building 06/07: Specialist Construction Management: Metallbaumanagement Borer GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Fire Protection Consulting: Gruner AG, Basel, Switzerland
Fire Protection Quality Control: AF Brandschutz GmbH, Pratteln, Switzerland
Fire protection: Specialist Construction Management: BPK Vögtlin GmbH, Lausen, Switzerland
Gastronomy Consulting: Klaus Architekten Innenarchitekten AG, Mettmenstetten, Switzerland
Geological Consulting: Pfyrter Nyfeler + Partner AG, Muttenz, Switzerland
HVAC: Specialist Construction Management: Edico Engineering AG, Kaiseraugst, Switzerland
HVAC: Specialist Construction Management: Pharmaplan AG, Basel, Switzerland
Laboratory Consulting: Drees & Sommer Schweiz GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
LEAN Construction Management: Refine AG, Wallisellen, Switzerland
Lighting Consulting: Reflexion AG, ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
Logistics Supervision: Amberg Loglay AG, ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
MEP IT-backbone: ACTEMIUM Schweiz AG, Arlesheim, Switzerland
Mobility Consulting: moveIng AG, Basel, Switzerland
Modular Planning Consulting: digitales Bauen GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
Modular Prefabrication Management: Pharmaplan AG, Basel, Switzerland
Operational Logistics Consulting: W & Partner Fachkoordination AG, Schlieren, Switzerland
Room Acoustics Consulting: Drees & Sommer Schweiz GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Signage & Wayfinding Consulting: unit-design GmbH, Bern, Switzerland
Solar Power Consulting: Wagner GebÀudetechnik GmbH, Hilden, Germany
Storage Logistics: AS Intra Move UG, Rheinfelden (Baden), Germany
Sustainability Consulting: Drees & Sommer Schweiz GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Sustainability Consulting: EPEA GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany
Tender Documentation: Fuhr Buser Partner BauOekonomie AG | PBK AG, Basel, Switzerland
Theatre and Stage Lighting Consulting: theapro GmbH, Munich, Germany
User Management: Drees & Sommer Schweiz GmbH, Basel, Switzerland
Vertical Circulation Consulting: Jappsen Ingenieure GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Video Installation Consulting: iART, MĂŒnchenstein, Switzerland
Vertical Circulation: Specialist Construction Management: IngenieuerebĂŒro Funke GmbH, Bad Schönborn, Germany
Audio-Visual: Installations: Kilchenmann AG, Pratteln, Switzerland
Audio-Visual: Projector Screens: Kilchenmann AG, Pratteln, Switzerland
Audio-Visual: Stage Equipment & Lighting: TĂŒchler BĂŒhnen- und Textiltechnik GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Biosafety Level 3 Containment: clean-tek Reinraum & Hospitaltechnik AG, Basel, Switzerland
Building Logistics: Post CH AG, Bern, Switzerland
Building Site Safety & Security: Alpha Protect AG, Basel, Switzerland
Carpenter: Diettli+Sahli AG, Muttenz, Switzerland
Carpenter: Röthlisberger AG, SchĂŒpbach, Switzerland
Cell Isolation Shuttle: Brimato Swiss AG, Winterthur, Switzerland
Ceilings: Cooling: Lindner Montage + Services GmbH, Opfikon, Switzerland
Ceilings: Fire Protection: Lindner Montage + Services GmbH, Opfikon, Switzerland
Ceilings: Louvred Cooling: KST AG, Einsiedeln, Switzerland
Compound Stores: Brooks Automation Ltd., Manchester, United Kingdom
Concrete & Steel Works: ARGE Baumeister pRED, Frutiger / Anliker, FĂŒllinsdorf, Switzerland
Concrete Works: Prefabrication: Filigran Bauelemente AG, Oberdiessbach, Switzerland
Conveyor System: Gilgen Logistic AG, Oberwangen, Switzerland
Curtain Rails: Pfister Professional AG, Suhr, Switzerland
Doors: Metal: Hörmann Schweiz AG, Oensingen, Switzerland
Doors: Separation Door Systems: Imhotec Engineering AG, Olten, Switzerland
Doors: Wooden: RWD Schlatter AG, Dietikon, Switzerland
Dry Walling: Building 04/05: Bianco GipsergeschÀft AG, Basel, Switzerland
Dry Walling: Building 06/07: G. Canonica AG, Basel, Switzerland
Electrical & Building Automation: Building 04/05: Viscom Engineering AG, Affoltern a. Albis, Switzerland
Electrical & Building Automation: Building 06/07: Sigren Engineering AG, Winterthur, Switzerland
Electrical Installations: Building 04/05: ETAVIS Kriegel + Schaffner AG, Basel, Switzerland
Electrical Installations: Building 06/07: Selmoni Installationen AG, Basel, Switzerland
Electrical Installations: Emergency Power Supplies: Siemens Energy AG, ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
Electrical Installations: Parking: swisspro NW AG, Allschwil, Switzerland
Electrical Installations: Powered Sliding Doors: record TĂŒrautomation AG, Fehraltdorf, Switzerland
Facades: Josef Gartner GmbH, Gundelfingen, Germany
Facades: Access System: Otte Aufzugstechnik GmbH, Spenge, Germany
Facades: Aluminum Windows: Josef Gartner GmbH, Gundelfingen, Germany
Fire Protection: Doors: Stawin AG, Pfungen, Switzerland
Fire Protection: Gas Extinguishing System: Contrafeu AG, Zollikon, Switzerland
Fire Protection: Sprinker Systems: Building 04/05: Jomos Brandschutz AG, Balsthal, Switzerland
Fire Protection: Sprinkler Systems: Building 06/07: Oeschger Babberger Brandschutz AG, Muttenz, Switzerland
Fire Protection Systems: Building 04/05: Marti AG, ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
Fire Protection Systems: Building 06/07: Novisol AG, Rheinfelden, Switzerland
Flooring: Cavity: Lenzlinger Söhne AG, Uster, Switzerland
Flooring: Exterior: Aeschlimann AG, Sissach, Switzerland
Flooring: Natural Stone: Natursteine WĂŒst AG, Wallisellen, Switzerland
Flooring: Natural Stone: Staudcarrera AG, Zwingen, Switzerland
Flooring: Rubber: Pfister Professional AG, Pratteln, Switzerland
Flooring: Soft and Parquet: Abt BodenbelÀge AG, Basel, Switzerland
Flooring: Tile: Cristofoli AG, Basel, Switzerland
Flooring: Underlays: Repoxit AG, Illnau-Effretikon, Switzerland
Glazed Balustrades: MetallArt Treppen AG, Aarau, Switzerland
Glazed Partition Walls: Lindner Montage + Services GmbH, Opfikon, Switzerland
HVAC: Kitchen Coolings Systems: KKG KĂ€lte fĂŒr Klima-Gewerbe AG, Basel, Switzerland
HVAC: Smoke Exhaust Systems: Jomos Brandschutz AG, Balsthal, Switzerland
HVAC: Ventilaton System: Building 04/05: Klima AG, Basel, Switzerland
HVAC: Ventilaton System: Building 06: Riggenbach AG, Olten, Switzerland
HVAC: Ventilaton System: Building 07: Lippuner EMT AG, Grabs, Switzerland
HVAC Installation: Building 04/05: Basler Haustechnik AG, Muttenz, Switzerland
HVAC Installation: Building 06: Koster AG, ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
HVAC Installation: Building 07: Alltech Installationen AG, Muttenz, Switzerland
Interior Painters: Building 04/05: Moritz AG MalergeschÀft, Augst, Switzerland
Interior Painters: Building 06/07: Paul Pfirter & Co AG, Pratteln, Switzerland
Interior Special Glazing: Jegen AG, Effritikon, Switzerland
IT Infrastructure: Controll Tech Engineering AG, Liestal, Switzerland
Kitchen Installations: Heer AG, Reinach, Switzerland
Laboratory Furniture: Waldner AG, Neuhaus, Switzerland
Lightning Protection: swisspro NW AG, Allschwil, Switzerland
Media Infrastructure: Building 06/07: Inra Group AG, Pratteln, Switzerland
Metal Working: Gysin Asiko AG, Böckten, Switzerland
Metal Working: Rudolf Senn AG, Muttenz, Switzerland
Mobile Shelving Units: Compatus & Bruynzeel AG, Frauenfeld, Switzerland
Monoblocks: Seven-Air Gebr. Meyer AG, Basel, Switzerland
Mounting Systems: Sikla Schweiz AG, Fehaltdorf, Switzerland
Planting: Automated Irrigation: easyrain AG, Basel, Switzerland
Planting: Exterior: Wenger AG, Aesch, Switzerland
Planting: Interior: Hydroplant AG, ZĂŒrich, Switzerland
Plumbing Works: Imtech Steri AG, Biel-Benken, Switzerland
Plumbing Works: Building 04/05: Alltech Installationen AG, Allschwil, Switzerland
Plumbing Works: Building 06/07: Inra Group AG, Pratteln, Switzerland
Plumbing Works: Sanitary Systems Partition Walling: Wehadeck AG, Basel, Switzerland
Plumbing Works: Solvent Disposal Systems: Penta Electric AG, Liestal, Switzerland
Plumbing Works: Wastewater Sterilisation Systems: Imtech Steri AG, Biel-Benken, Switzerland
Pneumatic Tube Systems: Swisslog Healthcare AG, Buchs, Switzerland
Roofing: Building 04/05: Bernhard Polybau AG, Langenthal, Switzerland
Roofing: Building 06/07: Tecton Fladag AG, Pratteln, Switzerland
Vertical Circulation: Elevators: Schindler AufzĂŒge AG, Pratteln, Switzerland
Building Data
Site Area: 113'666 sqft, 10'560 sqm
Gross floor area (GFA): 1'597'050 sqft, 148'371 sqm
GFA above ground: 949'892 sqft, 88'248 sqm
GFA below ground: 647'157 sqft, 60'123 sqm
Net floor area: 1'389'576 sqft, 129'096 sqm
Footprint: 74'400 sqft, 6'912 sqm
Gross volume (GV): 22'017'373 cbft, 623'462 cbm
Facade surface: 549'077 sqft, 51'011 sqm


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