Herzog & de Meuron Basel Ltd.
Rheinschanze 6
4056 Basel, Switzerland
Email: info@herzogdemeuron.com
Phone: +41 61 385 5757
Ibiza, Spain
A house is to be built right on the protected west coast of Ibiza, enhancing its residents’ contact with the sea.
In an initial approach, the house is hewn straight out of the rock, in the manner of ancient cave dwellings.
Spanish regulations stipulate that, aside from swimming pools and sports facilities, no new structures can be built less than 250 meters from the coast. Herzog & de Meuron develop a house, which is set right into the cliff and only visible from above as a pool.
The house is to be hewn from the rock with rough and straight cuts; the roof is designed as a landscape with the pool above the living area embedded in it like Land Art.
Structural studies for the pool and the roof with tension cables, columns, supporting walls and very substantial pillars.
From the sea, the house appears to be no more than a narrow slit in the rocky landscape; the living area stretches out behind it—optimizing the all-round experience of
the sounds and the light from the sea, which stretches out in front of it like a gigantic diorama.
Small, individually designed garden courtyards are cut into the rock, providing light and sheltered outdoor spaces for the bedrooms.
The house is entered either via the courtyards or the pool area.
The drawings show the lively interplay between internal and external spaces.
Photographs of models show the reflective surface of the pool, the planting in the courtyards, and the outdoor space in front of the living area high up above the sea.
As part of an artificial landscape, the house almost entirely recedes into the natural landscape.
Nobuyuki Yoshida (Ed.): “Architecture and Urbanism. Herzog & de Meuron 2002-2006.”
Tokyo, A+U Publishing Co., Ltd., 08.2006.