Herzog & de Meuron Basel Ltd.
Rheinschanze 6
4056 Basel, Switzerland
Email: info@herzogdemeuron.com
Phone: +41 61 385 5757
Madrid, Spain
The former power station is tucked away between the narrow lanes of the old town and the Paseo del Prado.
The plinth is removed and the building extended both upwards and downwards. The superimposed structure has incisions echoing the roofscape of the neighboring buildings. With the plinth removed, the building becomes a floating volume over a plaza that runs through to the Paseo del Prado and opens up the narrow maze of alleyways.
Variations and production of the metal panels for the facade in the color of the old red bricks.
The former power station is gutted, leaving only the historic walls.
Weight and lightness: an iron helmet for the roof, a net structure for the plaza and foyer, a conical stairwell.
Exhibition spaces, restaurant, light yard, administration.
A vertical garden developed with Patrick Blanc relates to the botanical garden.
Luis Fernández-Galiano (Ed.): “Arquitectura Viva MonografĂas. Herzog & de Meuron 2005-2013.”
Vol. No. 157/158, Madrid, Arquitectura Viva SL, 09.2012.
Fernando Márquez Cecilia; Richard Levene (Eds.): “El Croquis. Herzog & de Meuron 2005-2010. Programme, Monument, Landscape. Programa, Monumento, Paisaje.” Vol. No. 152/153, Madrid, El Croquis, 2010.
Jacques Herzog: “Caixa Forum. Madrid. Interview with Jacques Herzog.”
In: Supplement: “X Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. 10th Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennal.” Madrid, StudioBananaTV, 2009. DVD, 3′ 44”
Anna Hohler, Harry Gugger: “L’Énergie du Lieu.”
In: Société Suisse des Ingénieurs et des Architectes, SIA (Ed.). “Tracés. Bulletin Technique de la Suisse Romande.” Vol. No. 21, Zurich, Société des éditions des associations techniques universitaires, SEATU, 11.2008. pp. 12-14.
Oliver Domeisen: “Die Wiederkehr des Ornaments.”
In: Christian Schittich (Ed.). “Detail. Zeitschrift für Architektur + Baudetail.” Munich, Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG, 10.2008. pp. 1055-1066.
Klaus Englert: “Kunst elektrisiert.”
In: Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein, SIA (Ed.). “Tec 21. Transformiert.” Vol. No. 36, Zurich, Verlags-AG der akademischen technischen Vereine, 01.09.2008. pp. 29-33.
David Cohn: “Eilige Schnittsequenz.”
In: Bauverlag BV GmbH (Ed.). “Bauwelt.” Vol. No. 13, Gütersloh, Bauverlag BV GmbH, 04.04.2008. pp. 16-27.
Hubertus Adam: “Schnitt und Pfropfung. Herzog & de Meuron. CaixaForum. Madrid 2002-2008.”
In: Verband freierwerbender Schweizer Architekten, FSAI (Ed.). “Archithese. Internationale Zeitschrift und Schriftenreihe für Architektur. Transformierte Landschaft.” Vol. No. 2, Sulgen, Niggli Ltd., 03.2008. pp. 80-85.
Hubertus Adam: “CaixaForum in Madrid.”
In: “Detail.” Vol. No. 4, Munich, Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation, 2008. p. 292.
Gerhard Mack, Herzog & de Meuron: “Herzog & de Meuron 1997-2001. Das Gesamtwerk. Band 4.”
Edited by: Gerhard Mack. Basel / Boston / Berlin, Birkhäuser, 2008. Vol. No. 4.
Luis Fernández-Galiano (Ed.): “Arquitectura Viva. Herzog & de Meuron 1978-2007.”
2nd rev. ed. Madrid, Arquitectura Viva, 2007.
Nobuyuki Yoshida (Ed.): “Architecture and Urbanism. Herzog & de Meuron 2002-2006.”
Tokyo, A+U Publishing Co., Ltd., 08.2006.
Fernando Márquez Cecilia, Richard Levene (Eds.): “El Croquis. Herzog & de Meuron 2002-2006. Monumento e Intimidad. The Monumental and the Intimate.” Vol. No. 129/130, Madrid, El Croquis, 2006.