Herzog & de Meuron Basel Ltd.
Rheinschanze 6
4056 Basel, Switzerland
Email: info@herzogdemeuron.com
Phone: +41 61 385 5757
Riehen, Switzerland
TV still of a video simulation of the indoor pool’s entrance area. Herzog & de Meuron used video technology for the first time in this case to simulate a sensual spatial atmosphere. The two funnel-shaped skylights and an aquarium towards the swimming pools mediate the impression of a submarine world with its own slow motion procedures, as we know them from slow motion film or from dreams.
A reduced project in 1982 contemplated only an outdoor pool for the same property.
The building volumes and rest areas of the generous complex softly fit into the wavy nature of the surroundings.
The wooden model shows a container placed onto the grounds like a basin or a tanker stranded on the beach. The cantilevered side arms are used for the sanitary installations, the entrance, the kiosk and the locker rooms. The ascent separates swimming and wading pool. The diving area is raised and connected with them through two stairways. The parapet of the pools is used at the same time for sitting. The spiral-shaped children’s pool on the level of the grounds is connected with the basin via a pathway.
Wilfried Wang: “Herzog & de Meuron.” 3rd adv. and rev. ed. Basel / Boston / Berlin, Birkhäuser, 1998. (= Studiopaperback).
Gerhard Mack, Herzog & de Meuron: “Herzog & de Meuron 1978-1988. Das Gesamtwerk. Band 1. The Complete Works. Volume 1.” Edited by: Gerhard Mack. Basel / Boston / Berlin, Birkhäuser, 1997. Vol. No. 1.
Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Ulrike Jehle-Schulte Strathaus: “…dass es möglich ist, etwas hinzustellen…. Arbeiten von Jacques Herzog und Pierre de Meuron.” In: BSA Bund Schweizer Architekten. FAS Fédération des Architectes Suisse (Ed.). “Werk, Bauen + Wohnen. Ernst Gisel.” Vol. No. 7/8, Zurich, Verlag Bauen + Wohnen GmbH, 07.1982. pp. 11-17.