Herzog & de Meuron

VANCOUVER, CANADA — The exhibition ‘Rooted Here: Woven from the Land’ has opened at the Vancouver Art Gallery, celebrating the work of four prominent local Salish weavers: Angela George, Chief Janice George, Willard ‘Buddy’ Joseph, and Debra Sparrow. H&dM contributes to this exhibition with a large mock-up and a table presentation of models, samples, images and text on the new Vancouver Art Gallery’s woven façade, which was developed in collaboration with the artists featured in the exhibition.

The exhibition establishes important contexts for understanding each artist’s career, including the long history of Salish weaving, the rootedness of these traditions in the land and its resources, the interruption of Salish weaving by colonialism and the artists’ significant roles in its contemporary revival and renewal. It also creates an opportunity to better understand the crucial role these artists have played in designing the Vancouver Art Gallery’s new building and the rich significance of its woven surface.

The exhibition runs from 16 December 2023 to 12 May 2024.


Vancouver Art Gallery

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