Herzog & de Meuron Basel Ltd.
Rheinschanze 6
4056 Basel, Switzerland
Email: info@herzogdemeuron.com
Phone: +41 61 385 5757
Project Update
15 May 2024
ZURICH, SWITZERLAND — We are delighted that the building permit for the University of Zurich’s new education and research center, FORUM UZH, has been approved. This marks another milestone in this major project. Preparatory site work will begin in August of this year with the demolition of the gymnasiums on the Wässerwies site in Zurich’s city center.
FORUM UZH will be built in the middle of the Zurich university area on Rämistrasse, opposite the UZH’s historic main building. It will offer space for almost 6,000 people — for learning and research, for work and leisure. The new building will house over 700 student workstations, a large learning center with a library, as well as seminar rooms, sport halls, and dining facilities: a place for body and mind, and for all generations.
The forum, a generous hall in the center of the building, will be a lounging, meeting, and working space in one and is suitable for university events as well as concerts, exhibitions, and other festivities. A sunny square with large trees will anchor the University of Zurich even more firmly within the city.
Herzog & de Meuron won the competition for FORUM UZH in 2018 — even then, the university had already formulated the vision of an open university within the city that promotes a lively exchange between science and society.