Herzog & de Meuron

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA, 7 July 2020 – Herzog & de Meuron and HDR have been selected by UCSF to be the Design Consultant and Architect of Record for the new hospital of the historic and internationally renowned UCSF Helen Diller Medical Center at Parnassus Heights, a home to both inpatient and outpatient services. The hospital is part of UCSF’s academic medical center, which also includes a top-ranked research enterprise and graduate schools in the health sciences.

The design team of Herzog & de Meuron and HDR is uniquely positioned to realize UCSF’s vision for the hospital for the future as ‘Healing Habitat,’ a holistic health care environment that fosters wellness and recovery by combining efficient facilities with human experiences, connected to nature and the community.

Located prominently between Mount Sutro and Golden Gate Park, the new hospital at UCSF Helen Diller Medical Center will play an important role in the city and surrounding community. Herzog & de Meuron and HDR will work with UCSF to create a gateway between nature and the urban context around it – a facility that encourages people to rethink the role of the hospital within their daily lives and the community.

Herzog & de Meuron will bring its wide range of experience on hospitals and projects within similarly complex urban environments, to create a new medical center that will combine healing, research, nature and culture. The office is familiar with the city of San Francisco and the Bay Area region: the de Young Museum is visible from the hospital site.

“At this pivotal moment, we are honored that UCSF has recognized the quality and innovation of Herzog & de Meuron’s work, including its hospitals, and that we were selected to help create a ‘Healing Habitat’ at Parnassus Heights. We are thrilled to be back in San Francisco.”

— Herzog & de Meuron:

Starting with REHAB Basel which opened in 2002, Herzog & de Meuron have developed an expertise in designing hospitals which neither look nor feel like hospitals. On top of fulfilling all technical and functional requirements efficiently, these health care facilities are designed with healing at its heart and people foremost in mind. The University Children’s Hospital in Zurich and the New North Zealand Hospital in Hillerød, Denmark are both currently under construction, while a new project to expand the University Hospital in Basel was recently awarded after a design competition.





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