Herzog & de Meuron

PENANG, MALAYSIA, 14 October 2019 – The renewal of the historic Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage and Arts has received the 20th edition of the Award of Excellence in this year’s UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation.

Sixteen projects from five countries – Australia, Bhutan, China, India and New Zealand – have been recognized by the international Jury of conservation experts in this year’s Awards. The Jury met in August to review 57 entries from 14 countries across the Asia-Pacific region.

The Jury praised the Award of Excellence winner, Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage and Arts, stating: “The transformation of the former Central Police Station into a world-class centre for heritage and arts has created a vibrant new civic space in the heart of the city’s central business district. The project tackled a complex site with multiple layers of history dating back to the mid-19th century, enhancing its legibility and opening it up to the public. The technical quality of the restoration work is standard-setting on an international level, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the historic fabric.”

“Innovative architectural and engineering solutions are underpinned by meticulous investigation and rigorous conservation principles. The centre’s diverse and creative programming enlivens the historic space with engaging heritage interpretation programmes and contemporary arts and culture. Against tremendous commercial real estate pressures, the successful realization of Tai Kwun stands as a testimony to Hong Kong SAR’s commitment to heritage.”

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